Target Group

The cyclist typology: 5 bike types and what characterises them

„I want to ride my bicycle: Eine Studie zu Motiven & Barrieren des Radfahrens in Deutschland“ (2018)

Cycling is all the rage! In the face of traffic jams, nitrogen oxide and stress, it is not only in Germany's urban centres that the bike is becoming increasingly popular and gaining in importance as a vehicle in the individual mobility mix. In the long term, it may become a game changer in mobility behaviour.

The bicycle market is therefore more exciting than ever. And yet we know relatively little about what is important to cyclists: valid studies on motivations and barriers to bicycle use are rare.

We are closing this gap with the cyclist typology "I want to ride my bicycle - the Kings & Queens on Germany's roads". The study identifies five distinct user types that differ in terms of their attitude towards cycling (hedonistic vs. pragmatic) and their behaviour (frequency of cycling).

In addition to the typology, the study presents general facts about how people cycle in Germany.

For whom are the insights interesting?

The study is aimed in particular at those responsible in companies in the mobility sector or public institutions.

Key data on the study

Publication: 2018

Method: quantitative online survey

Representative sample: n= 1,904 people over the age of 18

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Central research questions

  • What are the different types of users?
  • What are their specific needs and requirements when cycling?
  • What are their attitudes and values with regard to cycling?
  • What motivates these types to cycle and what inhibits them?
  • What specific functions do bicycles fulfil for them?

Your key benefits

  • You will learn about five cycling types and what characterises them.
  • The insights will help you to identify the usage requirements of your target group and the appropriate product development.
  • At a municipal level, our insights provide an empirical basis for the promotion of cycling in line with the prevailing types and their requirements.

Do you have questions about the study?

I will gladly advise you.

Sebastian Klein

Senior Research Director