< Target Group & Buying Behaviour

Target group & buying behaviour

Generational research: Gen Z, Millennials & Co.

From Gen Z to Generation Alpha - young generations bring their own values, experiences and expectations to the table.

Our generational research dives deep into these different perspectives to give you a comprehensive picture of how young target groups think, feel and act and help you choose the right marketing communication.

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What is generational research?

Generational research is a special form of target group analysis that focuses on investigating and understanding different generations and their behaviour, attitudes and preferences.

German publications on Gen Z, Millennials & Co.

Neobroker-(R)evolution: Millennial Traders in Krisenzeiten (2023). 

[Neobroker (r)evolution: Millennial traders in times of crisis]. How did the economic crisis situations in 2022 affect the financial attitudes and behaviour of millennial traders?

Allianz Ablenkungsstudie (2023).

[Allianz distraction study]. Young drivers between the ages of 18 and 24 are particularly vulnerable to distraction: In a representative GIM survey for the Allianz Centre for Technology, 30 percent of this age group stated that they talk on their smartphone while driving.

Studien-Update: Values & Visions 2030 (2023).

[Study update: Values & Visions 2030]. GIM foresight's own study on various facets of changing social values. 

Die Gen Z in Zeiten von Corona (2020). 

[Gen Z in times of Corona]. A report on generation-specific shifts in values and personalities in times of the coronavirus pandemic, based on the results of the study "What makes Germany tick".

Digital Self vs. Real Self: Die Gen Z in den Sozialen Medien (2019).

[Digital Self vs. Real Self: Gen Z in social media]. Our own study shows that Gen Z presents itself completely differently digitally than in real life.

Wie tickt Deutschland? (2018).

[What makes Germany tick?]. Our large social study with a continuous survey regularly provides information about the mood of the population and shows breaks and changes over time.

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Dr. Jörg Munkes

Managing Director