We have been conducting modern market research in over 30 industries - B2B and B2C - for almost 40 years.
Specialized teams with experts in your key industry ensure that your questions are answered competently, intelligently and at the highest level of market research.
Agile working and dynamic exchange between our teams combine specialization with cross-industry knowledge transfer.
What we offer you:
- Owner-managed market research institute
- Expertise and data quality since 1987
- More than 200 market research experts
- International partner network
- Industry expertise in 52 markets
In the 2021/2022 image study by marktforschung.de, we took first place in the overall ranking. In the categories "quality", "methodological competence" and "consulting competence", GIM is ranked first in each case.
We are certified to ISO Standard 20252:2019 - the most comprehensive and important international standard for market research. Through our memberships, we are committed to meeting the quality standards of ESOMAR, ADM, BVM, DGOF and EphMRA.