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„Succeet 2023“: Industry get-together with added value

Succeet", the leading international trade fair for market research expertise, will take place on 25 and 26 October at the RMCC RheinMain CongressCenter in Wiesbaden. Among other things, GIM is represented with three lectures - from target group analysis with artificial i ...Learn more


AI meets target group analysis: Award for media usage types

GIM and Erason, a specialist in artificial intelligence (AI), have received this year's Best Practice Award from the German Society for Online Research (DGOF). The DGOF awarded a project within the framework of Digital Media Types (DMTs), a segmentation of media users, ...Learn more


Digital Media Types (DMT): New Study on Media Use in Germany

What makes Germans "tick" and what is important to them? That's what the new Digital Media Types (DMT) study on media use in Germany shows. The DMT is an enhanced new edition of the renowned Media User Typology (MNT) of ARD and ZDF. Based on nine different user types, the DMT ...Learn more


Energy market research: Making the right use of opportunities for realignment

Climate change, industry consolidation, and the Ukraine war: Few markets are undergoing as much change as the energy sector. New players with faster market dynamics. Manufacturers and installers of solar panels, heating systems and heat pumps are in demand as never before. ...Learn more


GIM sponsors online pitch for start-ups 2023

For the second time, GIM supports the online pitch for start-ups, organized by marktforschung. de & CONSULTING. de, as a sponsor. The digital event is the first start-up online competition for young companies from the market research, consulting and data analytics industry ...Learn more


Context List 2022: GIM again among 5 institutes with the highest turnover

The industry medium marktforschung. de publishes the annual sales ranking of the German market research industry in the so-called "Context List". With annual sales of 40. 74 million euros for 2022, the GIM Group occupies 5th place in the ranking, as in the previous year.   ...Learn more


Bosch Tech Compass 2023 conducted again by GIM foresight

GIM foresight - the GIM think tank for strategic future issues - has again been commissioned by Robert Bosch GmbH to conduct the Bosch Tech Compass. In this year's study, the Compass focuses on the key issue of sustainability. The study was first presented by Robert Bosch GmbH ...Learn more