December 2024
Munkes Mind: "Santa Claus, my son and AI: when technology kills emotion"
In his latest column on, Jörg Munkes addresses the question of whether Santa Claus exists and what the Santa Claus case teaches us about truth, perspective and the role of technology in market research.
Read now (German)November 2024
Stephan Telschow: “Representing your own interests more loudly and visibly pays off”
The Gesellschaft für innovative Marktforschung (GIM) has identified the biggest challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Germany in its study KMU Challenges: Challenges and Strategies in SMEs. Markenartikel Magazin spoke to GIM Managing Director Dr. Stephan Telschow about the emotional situation in companies, the impression that they are hardly listened to and are often bullied, the willingness to make sacrifices and the hope that more optimism will return to Germany.
Read now (German)November 2024
“In fact, our core focus is on brand management and addressing target groups”
On 28 November, the webinar with GIM will focus on the UX optimization of the website of the well-known cultural festival Enjoy Jazz. spoke to Sarah Kristin Lippold and Benjamin Dennig about this in advance. In the interview, our researchers also give tips on how you too can succeed in optimizing your website.
Read now (German)October 2024
»Brands must also deliver!«
We live in a time characterized by rapid change. markenartikel Magazin spoke to trend and future researchers Prof. Peter Wippermann, Dr. Hannes Fernow (GIM) and Kim Haußer (Bonsai) about how brands can deal with this. Published in the print edition (10/2024).
Read now (German)September 2024
Generation Z & Co.: Self-optimization as an opportunity for everyone
Gen Z is conquering the labor market, Gen Y the executive floors. At the same time, it is always critical to speak of a generation in this way, as people are very diverse at all times. As a researcher and psychologist, I am currently observing more and more how clichés, myths and misunderstandings are shaping the picture and creating artificial tensions... Time for a reality check. A guest article by Dr. Jörg Munkes at Business Punk.
Read now (German)September 2024
GIM brings former Infratest Dimap CEO onto the team
The former head of Infratest Dimap, Dr. Nico A. Siegel, is returning to social and political research. As Executive Director at GIM, he will be responsible for public affairs and social research. An interview with Dr. Nico Siegel and Dr. Stephan Telschow, Managing Director of GIM.
Read now (German)August 2024
“Dust, dirt, chips - these are and remain real quality indicators”
In the run-up to their webinar on September 11 at, our tech experts Marc Arnold and Ben Dennig explained how important the “analog” experience is for product improvement and which target groups are still better reached offline.
Read now (German)August 2024
Munkes Mind: "Category Entry Points: Vollwertige Mahlzeit oder doch nur Zutat?"
(Title: "Category Entry Points: A complete meal or just an ingredient?"). Jörg Munkes enjoys working with the Category Entry Point of the Ehrenberg Bass Institute (EBI) and Byron Sharp - and in the current issue of his column on he answers the question of whether the approach serves as a complete meal that satisfies all round, or is just an important ingredient in the preparation of a complete "brand research meal".
Read now (German)Juli 2024
Künstliche Intelligenz am Steuer: Wie KI das Autofahren sicherer macht
(Title: Artificial intelligence at the wheel: how AI makes driving safer). Artificial intelligence is a topic that is on everyone's lips. It is also likely to find its way into more and more cars. Microsoft is working with Bosch on technology for automated driving. A cross-national representative study by GIM provides data on expectations of AI. An article on
read now.Juni 2024
Dr. Jörg Munkes, GIM: "Das ist gelebte Customer Centricity im besten Sinne des Wortes"
(Title: Dr. Jörg Munkes, GIM: "This is customer centricity in action in the best sense of the word"). If a brand wants to anchor itself in people's hearts in the long term, people and brands must share common values. Dr. Jörg Munkes, Managing Director of the Gesellschaft für innovative Marktforschung, spoke to markenartikel magazine about mental availability.
Read now (German).May 2024
Interview: Online-Forschung auch für Hardware
("Interview: Online research also for hardware") Since corona, it has become clear that much more is possible online than was previously the case. In terms of feel, taste and smell, the classics still dominate: group discussions or one-to-one conversations in a studio setting. However, there are also exciting hybrid forms. For example, home use tests followed by online groups to try out new products as realistically as possible. At GIM, the method is chosen according to the situation and the question. Marc Arnold and Sebastian Klein explain how they proceed in an interview with Horizont.
Read now (German)April 2024
Interview: Wenn Mensch und Marke gemeinsame Werte teilen
("Interview: When people and brands share common values") Brand loyalty is more than superficial ‘brand love’ - and buying a product requires more than just ‘liking’ a brand. At the Deeper Insights Day organised by Planung & Analyse on 16 May, our Managing Director and psychologist Dr Jörg Munkes showed how researchers experience, track and grow brands with their heads, context and hearts. He already offered exciting insights in the pre-interview.
Read now (German)April 2024
Munkes Mind: "Denn Mehrwert ist auch: mehr wert!"
(Munke's Mind: "Because added value is also: worth more!") More and more data, ever cheaper... Are we experiencing a Gold Rush where the suppliers of shovels earn more than the gold seekers? Dr. Jörg Munkes philosophizes about disruption in market research and the future importance of the research craft in his column MunkesMind on
Read now (German)März 2024
"Schiefen jenseits der Soziodemographie können nicht so einfach gewichtet werden"
("Biases beyond sociodemography cannot be so easily weighted.") When is a convenience sample sufficient, and when must it be a population-representative sample? And what must be paid special attention to? Senior Research Director Alexandra Wachenfeld-Schell explains in an interview with what matters, why certain biases in the sample cannot be corrected, and what will be the focus of her webinar on March 19th.
Read now (German)März 2024
Mehr Fakes als News: Wie die AfD vom Zusammenhang zwischen Werten und Desinformation profitiert
(More fakes than news: How the AfD benefits from the connection between values and disinformation) With the rise of the AfD, the discussion about fake news and how to handle it has also grown. Studies suggest that the susceptibility to misinformation has not increased over the past decades. However, the AfD – and other extremist parties – manage to use it as a propaganda tool in a targeted and successful manner, explain Dr. Hannes Fernow and Michael Mletzko from GIM Foresight in the series 'Who votes for the AfD and why?' on
Read now (German)März 2024
Generationendebatte: X versus Z – außer Thesen nichts gewesen?
(Generational Debate: X versus Z - Nothing But Theses?) As easily as generational models seem to be monetized, so quickly does one lose their way in advertising communication. In the end, what really matters are the commonalities. An opinion piece by Johannes Zenner (GIM) on
Read now (German)February 2024
Befragung: Vertrauen als wertvolle Kommunikationsbasis
(Survey: Trust as a Valuable Basis for Communication). GIM primarily bases its sampling on the research question – according to the working time and life concepts of the target groups to be reached. Simone Renner, Research Director at GIM, explains what else matters, especially in terms of representativeness and bias.
Read now (German)February 2024
Munkes' Mind: "Des Kaisers neue Kleider – oder: Technik schlägt Transparenz"
("The Emperor's New Clothes - or: Technology Beats Transparency"). At the beginning of the year in his column, Jörg Munkes from GIM explains what the destruction of machines, naked emperors, and artificial intelligence have in common.
Read now (German)December 2023
Munkes' Mind: „Bahnfahren bildet – und entschleunigt in bewegten Zeiten"
("Train travel educates – and slows down in turbulent times."). In the new edition of his column, Dr. Jörg Munkes talks about traveling by train. He doesn't always arrive on time, but sometimes gains new insights.
Read now (German)November 2023
"Die Kombination beider Ansätze bringt Unternehmen den größten Nutzen"
("The combination of both approaches brings companies the greatest benefit"). Interview with Natalia Seibert about CX research, the difference to traditional market research, the limitations of rapid research projects and strengthening customer relationships.
Read now (German)October 2023
„Ohne gegenseitiges Commitment wird es ein Leidensweg“
("Without mutual commitment, it will be a path of suffering"). Interview with Thomas Hobrock on the importance of accompanying consultancy in the course of goal-oriented market research.
Read now (German)October 2023
Insights statt Daten sammeln: Praxis-Plädoyer für mehr Wesentlichkeit
("Insights instead of collecting data: Practical plea for more materiality"). Article by Sebastian Klein and Mark Lammers on about the advantages of the correct processing and editing of market research results.
Read now (German)October 2023
Munkes' Mind: „Der Vater, der Sohn – und die liebe Nachwuchsfrage"
(Munkes' Mind: "The father, the son - and the dear question of offspring"). In the new edition of his column, Dr Jörg Munkes talks about insights gained during his son's internship at GIM.
Read now (German)October 2023
„Vom Dating zum Dauerbrennen“
("From dating to perpetual burning"). Interview with Patricia Blau about employer identity in recruiting at GIM on planung&analyse.
Read now (German)August 2023
„Wir haben eine Perle für Online-Umfragen aufgebaut“
("We have built a gem for online surveys"). Interview with Alexandra Wachenfeld-Schell about the offline recruited online panel GIMpulse on planung&analyse.
Read now (German)August 2023
„Barbie, Gucci, Ferrari: Hollywoods neue Wirtschaftlichkeit“
("Barbie, Gucci, Ferrari: Hollywood's New Economy"). Opinion piece by Johannes Zenner on economy in new times at
Read now (German)August 2023
„Wer ist Gen Z?“
("Who is Gen Z?". Interview with Dr. Jörg Munkes on generational research and Gen Z in the Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung.
Read now (German) Read now (German)August 2023
Munkes' Mind: „Faster, cheaper, better – oder die Quadratur des Kreises“
(Munkes' Mind: "Faster, cheaper, better - or squaring the circle".) In the new issue of his column, Dr. Jörg Munkes talks about process acceleration and cost reduction in the market research industry. Marktforschungsbranche.
Read now (German)July 2023
“Häufig wird Selbstsorge mit Selbstoptimierung und Leistungsdruck verwechselt“
("Often self-care is confused with self-optimization and pressure to perform") Interview with GIM foresight Senior Director Dr. Hannes Fernow on the topic of selfcare at
Read now (German)July 2023
„ARD-ZDF-Studie bekommt einen aktualisierten Nachfolger“
("ARD-ZDF Study Receives an Updated Successor"). Interview with Silke Moser and Annika Mollenkopf in planung&analyse on Digital Media Types (DMT).
Read now (German)June 2023
„Was die Deutschen für 2030 erwarten“
("What Germans expect for 2030".) Interview by Dr. Hannes Fernow and Michael Mletzko on on the update of the Values & Visions 2030 study.
Read here (German)May 2023
„Optimismus statt Krisenmodus“
("Optimism instead of crisis mode".) Article by Julia Eymann and Mark Lammers in Finanzierung Leasing Factory (05/2023) on investment financing in difficult times.
Read here (German)April 2023
„Bringt so viel Spaß und Freude rein wie möglich“
("Bring in as much fun and joy as possible".) Interview with Corporate Director Patricia Blau about women in market research and what it means to create with joy.
Read here (German)April 2023
„Die größte Bedrohung sehe ich in dem möglichen Verlust einer freien, demokratischen und sozialstaatlichen Welt“
("The biggest threat I see is the possible loss of a free, democratic and welfare state world".) Interview with Dr. Jörg Munkes and other exclusive sponsors of this year's Market Research Week about current challenges and crises in the industry.
Read here (German)April 2023
"Entscheidend ist die Frage nach dem Mehrwert einer Lösung für potenzielle Nutzer"
("The decisive question is the added value of a solution for potential users".) Interview with GIM Managing Director Dr. Stephan Telschow about the 6th Start up Online Pitch by, at which he is Judge.
Read here (German)April 2023
Die Marke in die Zukunft führen
("Leading the brand into the future") Interview with GIM Senior Research Director Dr. Hannes Fernow about the brand management of the future. Published in markenartikel 04/2023.
Read now (German) Read now (German)April 2023
Munkes' Mind: "Was kommt nach dem Pulverdampf? Welche Fragen wir zu ChatGPT beantworten müssen "
("Munkes' Mind: What comes after the gun smoke? What questions we need to answer about ChatGPT") In the new edition of his column, Dr. Jörg Munkes talks about the use of AI like ChatGPT in general.
Read here (German)Februar 2023
„Was uns morgen wichtig ist“
("What's important to us tomorrow") Article from about the results of the revised GIM foresight future study "Values and Visions 2030".
Read now (German)Februar 2023
"Bei den Summen könnte man schwach werden, aber die GIM soll unabhängig bleiben"
("With these numbers, one could become weak, but the GIM is to remain independent") Interview with GIM Managing Director, Dr. Stephan Teuber about the company and research history of GIM. Published on
Read here (German)Februar 2023
Munkes' Mind: "Das Platzen der KI-Blase"
(Munkes' Mind: " Breaking the AI bubble ".) In the second issue of his new column, Dr. Jörg Munkes discusses the use of AI as the new "promise of salvation" in market research.
Read now (German)Februar 2023
"Nicht verbiegen lassen"
("Don't get twisted") Interview with GIM Managing Director, Dr. Stephan Telschow on consumer response to current challenges and crises in Germany. Published in Markenartikel 1-2/2023.
Read here (German)Januar 2023
„Abschied von der Zwei-Welten-Denke“
("Farewell to the Two-Worlds Mindset.") Interview with Patricia Blau and Dr. Jörg Munkes about quantitative and qualitative research at GIM. Published in planning&analysis.
Read now (German)January 2023
Systematische Customer Insights Beratung: Katalysator für erfolgreiche Start-ups!
("Systematic Customer Insights Consulting: Catalyst for successful start-ups!") Sebastian Klein and Mark Lammers from GIM Customer Insights consultancy GIM consult explain in their article why many start-ups do not survive the first five years of business. Published on
Read now (German)