GIM clearly shows its colours against the right


Tens of thousands of people are currently demonstrating across Germany against right-wing extremism and the AfD. For GIM and its employees, this is a matter of course - and time to act.

The Gesellschaft für innovative Marktforschung (GIM) and its employees are taking a clear stance against the right and right-wing extremist parties. It is not only healthy social coexistence that is at risk. The economy and companies would also be the losers of an AfD policy. Millions of jobs would be lost, despite demographic change and its momentum in favour of younger people. Without workers from abroad, the shortage of skilled labour would worsen considerably.

Experts warn - countless people are taking action

The Director of the German Economic Institute (IW), Michael Hüther, is also currently warning of right-wing extremism and its consequences for SMEs and global players: "Democracy and the market economy have the same historical roots at the beginning of European modernity over 200 years ago, and in the long term they can only thrive together. It is a good sign that so many people have taken to the streets in favour of democracy and diversity in recent days. The Weimar Republic could not have built on this. We need openness instead of compartmentalisation - also economically." Only open borders secure prosperity.

GIM distances itself quite naturally and unequivocally from right-wing radicalism, further discrimination and terror worldwide. So it is hardly surprising that numerous employees are also out and about these days - sending out clear signals from Flensburg to Friedrichshafen.

In favour of openness and diversity: many people are currently expressing their solidarity with the demonstrators on LinkedIn.