The coronavirus pandemic, the consequences of climate change, the war in Ukraine, energy shortages and inflation: one crisis scenario has followed the next in recent times. Many consumers are affected by this - which has long been reflected in consumer behavior!
Our purchasing patterns and priorities are changing, but manufacturers and retailers are also adapting to the new conditions. Consumer behavior and FMCG are therefore changing. But what does that mean in concrete terms?
“Crisis & Consumption 2022” provides answers. The study series presents you with topic-specific insights in five parts.
- Part 1: Changes in consumer behavior
- Part 2: Consumer concerns
- Part 3: Coping strategies in the FMCG sector
- Part 4: Expected price increases for FMCGs
- Part 5: Implications for manufacturers & retailers
For whom are the Insights interesting?
The insights are aimed in particular at market research, marketing and product managers from the FMCG and retail sectors.
Key data on the study series
Publication: 2022
Method: Online interviews + six focus groups
Sample: 1,010 people (online interviews)
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Central research questions
- What are people currently most concerned about?
- How do consumers deal with price increases for fast-moving goods?
- What do they want from manufacturers in this regard?
- What do their coping strategies actually look like?
Your key benefits
- You will learn how consumer mindsets are changing in the current times of crisis.
- You will learn which strategies FMCG consumers are currently using for their purchases.
- You will receive quickly implementable takeaways for your strategic and tactical challenges in the FMCG and retail sector.
Do you have questions about the study series?
We are happy to advise you.
Tina Choi-Odenwald
Research Director
GIM Home & Beauty
Stefanie Gröbe
Research Director
GIM Food & Retail
Rebecca Stark de Pellecer
Senior Research Director
GIM Food & Retail
Maria Wronka
Research Director
GIM Home & Beauty